Tag Archives: hot spring

Gary in not quite over his head.

Gary takes full advantage of the geothermic bath. Behind him you can see the minerals of the spring water being slowly deposited in the waterfall.

Since I don’t have a picture of it, now is as good a time as any to mention that all this geological activity has a downside, in the two weeks we were in Chile I got to experience my first earthquakes! The largest one woke me up in the middle of the night to the disconcerting sensation that the bed I was sleeping in had been put out to sea and was rollicking in the waves. The room (and building!) were swaying and light fixtures and doors were rattling. It lasted about a minute, with some minor swaying at five minute intervals for another 15-20 minutes after that. I’m sure it wasn’t that big, as Gary slept through most of it, and when I looked out the hotel window, no one was running around in the streets in panic. But it was a very bizzare sensation, especially when you’re not expecting it.

Banos de Colina, Chile 2007

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